Well hello! To be honest, you surprised me. I didn’t think that anyone clicked on the footer credits.
But now that you have, I want to thank you and introduce myself. I am Sarah Lang and run a small creative agency in Central Victoria called The Yellow Brick Road Agency.
It was an absolute pleasure designing and building this website for Nat and Jono. As passionate foodies and locavores, we have long been enormous supporters of the award-winning produce at Brooklands Free Range Farms. So when we got the call, we jumped at the chance to help bring the story of Brooklands to life - and be able to provide a way for people to purchase their magnificent produce and hand made products online. We also worked with the award-winning author, journalist and food critic, Richard Cornish to craft the words and images are from the talented Karen Brothers Photography.
If you are interested in a website like this one, then why don’t we strike up a conversation? I have built many, many websites across a variety of platforms for a wide range of businesses but I specialise in small to medium businesses where I work directly with the owners. Being passionate about your business is a key criteria for me wanting to work with you. You can send me an email here and I will get back to you to arrange a meeting.
Thanks again for clicking through - now you best head back to the main page because you are no doubt on the website to get your hands on some quality produce. So off you go, click the button below and you’ll go right back to where you should be.